Policy 529-271: Authority of the Attending
Policy 529-276: Investigator Care of Animals: A)
Inside Vivaria; B) Outside Vivaria
II: Background
Environmental enrichment is required for all laboratory
animals. The 8th edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals (Guide, pages 52-53) states that the "primary aim
of environmental enrichment is to enhance animal well-being by providing
animals with sensory and motor stimulation, through structures and resources
that facilitate the expression of species-typical behaviors and promote
psychological well-being through physical exercise, manipulative activities,
and cognitive challenges according to species-specific characteristics.”
III: Definition
Environmental enrichment: additions to an animal’s
environment with which it interacts. The goal is to allow animals to express a
range of species-typical behaviors, which may enhance their well-being. Some
examples of environmental enrichment include novel items (e.g., toys, food
supplements/treats) and group housing of compatible animals.
IV: Policy
This policy outlines environmental enrichment materials or
practices that may enhance species-specific behavior and reduce distress and
anxiety for laboratory animal species at UCR.
The IACUC recognizes that there may be cases where
environmental enrichment is not appropriate. It is recommended that the PI
consult with the Campus Veterinarian on environmental enrichment alternatives. The
UCR IACUC will review any concerns regarding environmental enrichment.
Environmental enrichment exemptions may be granted via Veterinary discretion or
when the scientifically justified exemption is included in the AUP for review
and approval by the IACUC.
V: Implementation
A. Social Housing
The 8th edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
Animals (Guide, page 51) specifies that social housing is the expectation
for social species “Social animals should be housed in stable pairs or groups
of compatible individuals unless they must be housed alone for experimental
reasons or because of social incompatibility.” Single housing of social species
should be the exception, justified on an AUP, and based on experimental
requirements or concerns about animal welfare. The Guide also recommends that
single-housed animals should be provided with additional enrichment, allowed to
interact positively with animal care staff, and single housing is limited to
the minimum period necessary.
Based on the above, the IACUC, in collaboration with OCV, requires
that all animals housed at UCR be socially housed unless single-housing is
either scientifically justified and documented in the approved AUP or needed
due to one of the following:
· Animals are separated due to aggression/fighting,
medical treatment (e.g., administration of medication), or
post-operative recovery.
· Attrition that results in a single animal that
cannot be repaired with other animals.
· When animals are weaned by sex, and an animal
is weaned alone due to incompatible gender (e.g., only one male in the
· Breeding colony management-related issues
include females separated for copulatory plug checks, males resting between
mating, and the separation of pregnant mice in harem breeding settings to avoid
cage overcrowding.
All other reasons for single-housing must be research-specific and
documented in an approved AUP.
Below is a copy of what is found on all primary cage cards for
animals housed at UCR. All labs are expected to document the reason and the
date for single housing at the cage card level using this resource.
Weaned Alone
In some cases, and for certain species (e.g., USDA-regulated
species where single housing arrangements may be determined by or in concert
with OCV), OCV may assist the PI in documenting the reason for single housing
on the cage card or medical record.
Changes to the standard
environmental enrichment described in the Table below are not permitted except
under the following circumstances:
· Changes are described in the animal use protocol
and approved by the UCR IACUC.
· Changes are prescribed by the OCV for animal
health or welfare reasons.
The standard enrichment listed below may change in the
future should novel opportunities and devices become known to the IACUC and/or
OCV. Any such proposed changes will be announced prior to implementation, and
feedback will be sought from investigators.
The IACUC Office will verify adequacy of sanitation
procedures through ATP testing of items that are not disposable and/or edible. To
facilitate sanitation, items should withstand cage washer procedures to allow
OCV to assist with sanitizing enrichment devices.
For all USDA-covered species (e.g., pigs, dogs, NHPs,
rabbits, and any other warm-blooded animal except for mice of the genus Mus,
rats of the genus Rattus, and birds), environmental enrichment and exercise
will be conducted in accordance with the standards of the AWARs and in
consultation with the investigator and campus veterinarian. Enrichment may
include housing with compatible conspecifics, and provision of food treats,
"toys" (e.g., plastic chains, balls, Kong toys, food puzzles, forage
boards), and hiding places.
Species (common name)
Standard Environmental Enrichment
Additional Enrichment Allowed if Described in Approved
(Provided by Research Group)
Group-housed if compatible
Nesting material made from paper or cotton
fibers (e.g., Nestlets).
Plastic mouse houses.
Edible treats such as cereal.
Group-housed if compatible.
chewing toy.
Plastic rat houses.
Edible treats such as cereal
Group-housed if compatible.
Plastic chains or balls, stainless steel
rings, PVC pipe.
Small portions of timothy hay, other grass
hay, fresh carrots, or fresh kale are offered daily on the cage bottom.
Small amounts of other fresh vegetables, such
as Romaine lettuce.
Small amounts of dried banana chips, apples,
or pineapple.
Group-housed if compatible.
Positive human interaction daily (e.g.,
patting, scratching, rubbing back).
Multi-level shelves for resting and climbing.
Scratching posts, toys, and balls.
Guinea Pigs
Group-housed if compatible.
Small quantities of Timothy hay 2 to 3 times
per week.
Plastic guinea pig houses.
Plastic balls or kongs.
Investigators are encouraged to develop and utilize the additional
forms described in the Table, in addition to the standard methods described
above. For species not listed in the Table, investigators are expected to
consult with OCV to develop strategies to provide appropriate environmental
enrichment. The approved AUP should describe the routine use of additional or
alternative means of enrichment.
VI: References
1. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th
edition, 2011.
Approved: 3/2/2009; 6/18/2018; latest revision 9/19/22