Pathogen control is critically important for both general animal health and for maintaining quality research. The importation of animals from non-commercial sources poses the greatest risk of introducing infectious agents into UCR vivaria. To assure quality animal research and to prevent infectious disease interference in experimental results, a quarantine program has been instituted. The quarantine program is designed to maximize the probability that microorganisms will be detected before the animals are introduced into established colonies. The quarantine period allows sufficient time for bedding exposure, infection, and seroconversion of the sentinel mice.
Related Policies and Guidance
- Policy 529-282: Transfer of Animals Between Laboratories
- Policy 529-383: UC Riverside Vivaria Facility and Room Entry Restrictions
Each importation of vertebrate animals into UCR vivaria will require written approval from the UCR Campus Veterinarian or appropriate designee. In certain situations, i.e., the disease status of the source colony is uncertain or the source is known to harbor microbial agents of concern, it may not be possible to approve the importation. In those cases, the investigator should consult with the Campus Veterinarian to discuss possible options.
Only animals originating from an approved commercial vendor may be received into the UCR animal facilities without undergoing additional screening, quarantine, rederivation, or other suitable monitoring or decontamination procedures. Contact the Office of the Campus Veterinarian for information on approved commercial vendors.
Non-commercial sources include academic and other research institutions, unapproved commercial vendors and certain colonies maintained by approved vendors (e.g., contract breeding), and wild-caught animals.
Most animals originating from non-commercial sources may be imported only after health reports of quarterly testing indicating disease free status for the prior 12 months are received and approved by the Campus Veterinarian. Exceptions to the health report requirement may be granted by the Campus Veterinarian in certain scenarios (e.g., wild caught animals). Those animals must undergo quarantine and testing prior to release from quarantine and entry into the main vivaria. The investigator will be responsible for the cost of the diagnostic evaluation and quarantine maintenance. Investigators requesting animals from non-commercial sources should allow 2-3 months for evaluation of the animals and final release from quarantine.
If the disease status of the source colony is uncertain or the source is known to harbor microbial agents of concern, it is possible that the importation may not be approved. The investigator will need to discuss possible options with the Campus Veterinarian.
Contact the Office of the Campus Veterinarian to determine if quarantine space will be available and to discuss costs associated with quarantine and testing.
Approved: 1/7/2008; latest revision 3/21/2022