I: Background and Purpose:
It is the policy of the University of California and of UCR that the care, use, and treatment of university-owned laboratory animals should be in full compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. The law requires that all persons involved or in any way associated with the use of animals in research know how to report deficiencies in animal care and treatment. There are no restrictions on who can report an alleged incident. It is also UC and UCR policy that under no circumstances will reporting such incidences in good faith be detrimental to an individual's standing within the organization.
DEFINITION: Allegations of animal mistreatment and deficiencies in care include the following: (1) the wrongful or abusive physical or psychological treatment of an animal and (2) Noncompliance with approved procedures, policies or protocols.
II: Related Policies and Guidance:
III: Policy
A. Any person with knowledge of deficiencies or with reasonable suspicions of deficiencies or mistreatment involving animals should report them directly to:
a) the Chair of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee [iacuc@ucr.edu] (IACUC)
b) the Campus Veterinarian https://research.ucr.edu/ocv#animal-care-and-use-concerns,
c) to any member of the IACUC,
d) to the Chair of the department or program supervising the site where the observed actions have occurred,
e) Institutional Official, i.e., the Vice Chancellor for Research [vcred@ucr.edu].
B. Neither administrative action nor retribution of any kind may be taken against a person making a good faith report of deficiencies. This is in accordance with the UC Policy and Procedures for Reporting Improper Governmental Activities and Protection Against Retaliation for Reporting Improper Activities (Whistle BlowerPolicy) [https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1100171/Whistleblower], January 1, 2012, which is under the oversight of the Campus Ethics, Compliance, and Audit Services Office.
C. Reports of suspected deficiencies should be made in writing whenever possible and should include, but need not be limited to, the nature and the place of the occurrence, the person or persons alleged to be delinquent, the date, the time, and any supporting facts.
D. If a person actually witnesses mistreatment or abuse, the witness should immediately notify the Campus Veterinarian [https://research.ucr.edu/ocv#animal-care-and-use-concerns] so that the animal or animals involved can be evaluated and receive medical treatment if necessary. The person should then report the incident as described above. If the Campus Veterinarian is not available, one of the individuals listed above should be contacted to arrange the appropriate care.
E. The IACUC will investigate allegations and report its findings and recommendations to the Institutional Official in a timely fashion.
F. Details of any reports or allegations of deficiencies, findings or recommendations of the IACUC, as well as administrative or legal actions taken by the committee or the Institutional Official, are considered privileged information and may be released only through official channels or as required by law.
G. Willful mistreatment or abuse of animals may be grounds for suspending all animal use activities or protocols involved or for other disciplinary actions. Disciplinary action may be appealed through existing procedures.
IV: References
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: Latest Edition
Updated: 12/9/04; 6/11/07; 9/16/19; Reviewed: 11/18/2024