Beckman Scholar awards are institutional (university or college) awards and only one active award at an institution will be funded at a time. Universities/colleges will be eligible for one institutional Beckman Scholar Award, which must be used over a three-year period. Each institutional Beckman Scholar Award will fund a total of six Beckman Scholars (with funding for student stipends, institutional contact funds, travel funds, and mentor research supplies) extending over two summers and one academic year. Awardee institutions will name two Scholars in each year of the three-year institutional award term, for a total of six Scholars.
The purpose of the Beckman Scholars Program is to help stimulate, encourage, and support research activities by talented, full-time undergraduate students who are pursuing their studies at accredited four-year colleges and universities located in the United States of America. These research activities shall be centered in either chemistry, biochemistry, the biological and medical sciences, or some interdisciplinary combination of these subjects. Candidates for the Beckman Scholars Award must be full-time students throughout the duration of the award.
The research activities performed by Beckman Scholars shall be conducted under the guidance of a full-time, approved science faculty member at the college or university receiving an award. Research activities must be performed part-time (ten hours per week) during one academic year, and full-time over two summers (ten 40-hour weeks each summer) immediately before and after the academic year research experience. The continuity of the research experience is important to the Foundation, and alternatives to this “summer – academic year – summer” schedule will not be considered.
Awards: The Beckman Scholars Program award provides $26,000 per Scholar to fund the Scholar’s stipend ($18,200 over 15-months), Scholar travel and supplies ($2,800), Mentor research funds ($4,800), and institutional contact funds ($200).