Grants for Arts Projects (GAP) provides project-based funding for organizations in the areas of Artist Communities, Arts Education, Dance, Design, Film & Media Arts, Folk & Traditional Arts, Literary Arts, Local Arts Agencies, Museums, Music, Musical Theater, Opera, Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works, Theater, and Visual Arts. Funded activities may include public engagement with the arts and arts education, the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector.
We are particularly interested in arts projects that:
Enable artists, arts workers, and arts organizations to thrive, including projects that:
- Build organizational capacity and provide leadership
Provide direct compensation to artists, makers, art collectives, and/or arts workers for their participation;
Lead to a better understanding of and response to opportunities and risks that may impact organizational effectiveness and artists’ livelihoods (e.g., national emergencies, natural disasters, emergent technology, etc.);
Support existing and new technology-centered creative practices across all artistic disciplines and forms, including work that explores or reflects on the impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) in ways that are consistent with valuing human artistry and improve the public’s awareness of understanding of the responsible use of AI; and- Include investment in an organization’s capacity to serve
the public by providing access, training, and other resources to engage with digital technologies.
Celebrate the nation’s history, civic life, and community connection including projects that:
- Celebrate the nation’s wide range of creativity by
honoring the semiquincentennial of the United States of America (America 250). Projects may engage communities in dialogue about the past, present, and future of our nation—including activities that examine the work of American artists, develop public art recognizing the country’s milestone; and explore a wide range of narratives related to freedom and unity through the arts.
Use artistic and creative practices to support individuals and groups in telling their story to foster mutual understanding; and
Engage in arts and cultural practices to overcome social isolation or loneliness
Support the health and well-being of people and communities through the arts, including projects that:
- Facilitate cross-sector collaborations between the arts
and other disciplines, sectors, and industries to strengthen a community’s civic infrastructure; and
Foster belonging and social connection as a means toward improved health and well-being.
Expected dollar value of awards (range)
All Applicants: $10,000-$100,000
Local Arts Agencies Subgranting Projects: $30,000-$150,000
Cost sharing: Awards require a 1:1 cost share/match.
Performance period: Grants awarded in this program generally may cover a period of performance of up to two years. The two-year period is intended to allow an applicant time to plan, execute, and close out its project, not to repeat a one-year project for a second year.