This NOFO seeks applications for research and development activities that will establish and accelerate domestic capacity for advanced packaging substrates and substrate materials. Through this NOFO, the NAPMP program seeks to achieve the following objectives:
(1) Accelerate domestic R&D and innovation in advanced packaging materials and substrates;
(2) Translate domestic materials and substrate innovation into U.S. manufacturing, such that these technologies are available to U.S. manufacturers and customers, including to significantly benefit U.S. economic and national security;
(3) Support the establishment of a robust, sustainable, domestic capacity for advanced packaging materials and substrate R&D, prototyping, commercialization, and manufacturing; and
(4) Promote a skilled and diverse pipeline of workers for a sustainable domestic advanced packaging industry. Multi-year funding policy: When an application for a multi-year award is approved, funding will be provided only for the first phase of the project; additional phases will be funded incrementally. If a project is selected for funding, CHIPS R&D has no obligation to provide any additional funding in connection with that award. Funding for subsequent phases of a project will be contingent upon satisfactory performance, continued relevance to the mission, goals, and priorities of the CHIPS Research and Development Office, and the availability of funds. Anticipated Amounts: In FY24, CHIPS R&D anticipates making available approximately $300,000,000 for funding multiple awards. Individual awards will be funded in amounts up to approximately $100,000,000 and over a period of up to 5 years per award, not including voluntary co-investment. CHIPS R&D reserves the right to make an award, multiple awards, or no awards from this funding opportunity, subject to the availability of funds and the merit of applications received. Co-investment (cost share) Requirements: Co-investment (cost share) is not required in this program. CHIPS R&D will, however, give preference to applications that demonstrate committed co-investment in their Project Narrative and Budget Narrative and Justification.