Office of Research, UC Riverside
Search Funding

Program TitleDOD Research and Education Program for HBCU and Minority-Serving Institutions Research (W911NF-23-S-0015)
Program WebsiteLink
Number of Submissions Allowed3
Internal UCR Deadline9/6/2023
Agency Final Deadline10/30/2023

Projects proposed for
funding under this FOA must be for basic research. As defined by DoD, “basic
research” is systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or
understanding of the fundamental aspects of
phenomena and of observable facts without specific applications toward processes
or products in mind. It includes all scientific study and experimentation
directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in those
fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, life sciences, and
information sciences related to long-term national security needs.

Principal Investigators
(PIs) are encouraged to consider innovative approaches for their research
projects with a view toward enhancing the ability of their institution to
develop stronger science and engineering programs that will enable the
institution to participate more competitively in a variety of defense research
programs, attract and retain good students by exposing them to state-of-the-art
research, and encourage them to pursue careers in STEM disciplines.

Funding period: performance
period of 48 months

Anticipated awards: Each
grant will be fully funded for a in an amount up to $1 million (total of direct
and indirect costs).

Cost Sharing: Cost sharing or matching is not required
under this FOA

Applications for basic
research projects are requested in research areas of interest to the Agencies
as presented in their respective Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs), which are available
as follows:

  • Army Research Laboratory
    combined Broad Agency Announcement is available at:
    This BAA may also be found on
    ( by entering the BAA number, W911NF-23-S-0001, in the “Search Grants” keyword box.

  • Office of Naval Research: Select “Work With Us,” then “Funding Opportunities,”
    and then “BAAs, FOAs and Special Program Announcements” to see the FY23 Long Range
    Broad Agency Announcement for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology, BAA
    N00014-23-S-B001. This BAA may also be found on (
    by entering the BAA number in the “Search Grants” keyword box.

  • Air Force Office of
    Scientific Research Broad Agency Announcement is available at:


Database Key: 2126966100